Thursday, June 13, 2013

Piglets... and more piglets!

Big Mama's delivery went smoothly without a single hitch, 10 healthy piglets... and it was during the daytime, too. It doesn't get better than that. I'm late in reporting it because I've been concentrating on the farm book, which is getting closer and closer to publishing. (We also have another new project in the wings which will get its own post shortly.)

Back to the piglets:
Our daughter wrote about "Piglet Birthing Day" on her photo blog. She said I could share the link since I haven't had time to write about it. So, go take a look, and I'll get on with finishing up that book.

We let the sac fall away on its own naturally.
Mama & newborns getting sprayed with LAB during her labor.
The only assistance needed was to right away clean nose and mouth of each piglet.

Oh, I should mention that we are down to 7 healthy piglets from this first litter. Two got squished, and one got lockjaw after castration. We're pondering the idea of not castrating in future; we'll see.

 More piglets still on the way: Spot's due next week. Stay tuned!

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