Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Crunching Numbers

To keep us occupied while waiting for Spot's litter to arrive, we've been going over some of the basic costs of raising the previous batch of pigs to butchering size. Here's what we've come up with.

In the last 2-1/2 months, we've saved 42 pounds of feed by utilizing the feedcrops we're growing: sugarcane & the protein plants (mulberry, moringa, and cassava leaves). In two more weeks, these pigs will be six months old and weigh between 180-200 pounds, and they will sell for $5 per pound, live-weight.

When you consider the total amount of organic non-gmo feed we've given them over their 4-1/2 months since weaning, it comes to $3.00/pound, which will leave us with $2.00/pound profit to offset other costs of raising them, such as tools & equipment, gas to pick up the feed from the docks, and such like.

So basically, we're making about $12 a day on this little venture, or $2 a day per pig.

It'll take many, many years to pay off the costs of infrastructure this way. And of course, all our labor is free because, face it, farming is pretty much a labor of love. You must love what you're doing to make this lifestyle worthwhile - and we do.

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